Swift Awareness Week!

Swifts class – did you know it is Swift Awareness Week! Did you know swifts spend most of their lives on the wing – even sleeping, eating and drinking whilst flying! Have you spotted any this summer?

Find out more about Swifts!


Maths home learning – Friday 19th June – advance warning!


This is to let you know in advance that we are setting a practical Maths task on the blog on Friday 19th June.

It involves cooking so we wanted to give you as much notice as we could in case you wanted to purchase ingredients!

You can find the lesson, watch the video, and access the documents in advance by following this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ then go to Summer term, week 3, Friday challenge.

We are going to be following the ‘KS1’ recipe for Butterfly Pizzas!

To make the butterfly pizzas – here is the shopping list:

• Tortilla Wraps (1 per person)

• Tomato Passata/Puree

• Cheese

• Toppings of your choice

We hope this helps and you and your child enjoy the activity, which covers lots of mathematical skills!

Please contact Mrs Nicholls on hnicholls@coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk if you have any questions.

The Year 2 Team

Home learning from 1st June

Hello all, we hope you have had a fun-filled half term break, and been able to enjoy this glorious weather!

This post is just to inform you that we will still be setting home learning tasks on the blog from 1st June. It will take a slightly different format as teaching staff and some children return to school.

We will be setting a Maths task (from White Rose Home Learning) and an English task (from the Oak National Academy) each day, with an additional reading task on a Tuesday. This work will be broadly followed by those Year 2 children who are in school. As before, we encourage your children to do these tasks but please do not feel that you have to complete all of them – just do what you and your child feel is manageable.

The English tasks this term will be using a book called the Firework-Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. There is no requirement to have a copy of this book as extracts relevant to the task are displayed and read on the task videos, but we thought we would let you know if you would like to purchase or download a copy to read at home.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher by email:

Mrs Nicholls: hnicholls@coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk (Mon-Weds)

Mrs Fisher: sfisher@coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk (Weds-Fri)

Miss Armstrong: tarmstrong@coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk

Take care, and keep in touch.

The Year 2 Team


Need something else to read?


If you are running out of books and want to find something else for your child to read, take a look at the Curriculum Visions website:


Username: coopersedge/0001
Password: jungle
If you search in the “bookcase” section, you can find all of the non fiction books. Your child can pick something that interests them and learn new facts!
There are a few classic fiction books in there too and a few poetry books. These are slightly tricky to find with the bookcases. Year 2 can find fairytales in the English section down the right hand side of the screen.

You might also like to dip into this new ebook, it’s completely free! Mrs Fisher x


Happy holidays!


Well the Easter holidays are upon us, and for most of us they are not going to feel very different to the last couple of weeks! It will certainly be a memorable break! We are sure that many of you had plans to see family, travel somewhere and make the most of the spring sunshine and those plans have had to change. But we can take this opportunity to sit back, relax and remind ourselves what we have and what we are thankful for.

We are not going to be setting work over the Easter break, but we do ask you to try to do these things:

  • Enjoy time together as a family,
  • Attempt some exercise (safely),
  • Share your feelings,
  • Try something new,
  • Eat chocolate!
  • Rest, recharge and relax.

If you are keen to continue some sort of routine of learning, there are many many sources online to keep you inspired and busy. Here are some useful sites below:

PE with Joe Wicks

Oxford Owl – Reading

Readon – Reading

Times Tables Rockstars – ask your child’s class teacher if you need the login details.

Nessy – Reading and Spelling

Draw With Rob instruction videos

Geography/Science – Non-fiction texts

Science – An alphabetised list of almost every animal you could think of! 

Reading – free audio stories

Reading/writing – a helpful list of activities, apps, games and resources

Information, activities and games all about Easter

We would still love to see what you are up to and know that you are all happy and safe, so please keep updating the padlet. We will also be getting back in touch with parents and carers individually after the break.

So, take care, enjoy the break, and keep in touch.

The Year 2 Team

Art Ideas

We’ve had a request for some more art ideas. Here’s something to get you started. You can draw your circles with felt tip pens, pencils, paint…

Watch out Joe Wicks – you have a rival!

I can see from the Padlet (scroll down the blog to find it!) that a lot of you have been joining me in the daily Joe Wicks work out at 9am. I’ve done the last three and now it’s difficult to walk, let alone lunge! However, Joe Wicks needs to watch out because we have a very talented young fitness broadcaster in the Kingfishers class. Why not have a go at this workout instead?!